News 06 April 2018

Tax & Chat – France-Luxembourg Treaty: a new deal

The new tax treaty between France and Luxembourg may come into effect starting January 1st 2019. Our office is here to give you straightforward, direct and immediate information to help you anticipate and control these deep-seated changes in real estate.

To do so, the Real Estate unite at ARSENE will be organizing a web presentation on May 2nd from 9:30 to 10:30 AM, as a webchat where we will look at the consequences of these reforms and answer your questions on the following topics:

  1. Which provisions will impact real estate?

-Introduction of an OECD-type residence clause

-Substantial amendment of the dividend clause: field of application, rate and taxation in Luxembourg

-Adjustment of the real estate gains clause

-Introduction of anti-abuse clauses

-IFI now in the scope

  1. How can I take into account this new context?

-For current structures

-For future structures: OPCI vs. taxable structures

If you wish, you may also access the presentation on-demand on our website from May 4th.

Please confirm your registration as soon as possible by clicking HERE.

You will then receive all the necessary information to take part in our web presentation.