Arsene works hand in hand with companies to choose the best structure best suited to for their transactions and investors, regulated or not, both pension funds and life insurance companies. Arsene also has a unique expertise on the market with extensive experience in structuring investment funds, OPPCI and SIIC (REIT)-eligible vehicles.
Arsene has developed a solid experience and expertise in asset, corporate, and real estate portfolio acquisition and sale transactions to reduce direct, indirect and latent tax costs as well as to identify tax risks and negotiate tax provisions in contracts.
Arsene is a trusted partner for daily client assistance in: financing real estate transactions, drawing up real estate asset depreciation policies, supporting clients with tax inspections for companies subject to income tax, corporate tax, or SIIC (REIT)-eligible businesses.
Arsene assists clients on group restructuring transactions based on their goals: streamlining the holding structure, improving tax treatment of cash flow, and anticipating tax consequences of future divestments. Arsene helps clients lower the tax cost of these transactions.