Arsene assists clients in inspection preparation (document review, risk analysis, and more), during the inspection itself (defining the right strategy in how to communicate with auditors, taking part in meetings with auditors, reviewing answers to their inquiries), drafting the response to a reassessment proposal / observation letter and various appeals (escalation process, commissions, and more).
Arsene advises clients on Digital Accounting Tax Inspection (CFCI) strategy and offers full assistance during digital tax inspections (relationship management with Digital accounting verification brigades - BVCI, preparation of information processing requests, and more).
Arsene supports clients in disputing the consequences of an inspection, notably through a post-inspection analysis of the inspection procedure to identify possible breaches and support technical claims that may be invoked during litigation (including appeals on grounds of ultra vires or constitutionality) and by preparing the appeal and bringing the case to the correct administrative or judiciary court and managing the full process.
Arsene has extensive experience with constitutional, European, and conventional law and has a solid expertise in identifying taxes and dues that may lead to claims as well as the correct appeals (QPC, ultra vires, prejudicial question, etc.). The office assists clients in analysing the benefits of such a process and assists with claim preparation, court referrals, and the procedure itself.
Thanks to Arsene’s extensive understanding of redress, administrative procedures and organisation, the office supports clients in identifying the most appropriate forms of alternative settlement (informal appeals, transactions, compensations, European Commission appeal, etc.) and undertakes the necessary formalities with competent authorities.
Arsene assists clients in preparing fraud-related searches and hearings (training of those in the company involved in the process, implementation of internal procedures, etc.), in procedure monitoring and in disputing the procedure or material gathered during the procedure.